CTN – Digital Makeover

CTN – Digital Makeover

Creative Technology Northland has new branding thanks to a creative work experience collaboration with NGEN, funded by Creative Northland. Working with NGEN, a small group of CTN core group collaborated on a new brand identity and logo to uplift the network and raise...

The Metaverse and VR for Creatives

The Metaverse and VR for Creatives

One of CTN's key purposes is to support creatives to build their capacity to work with technology as part of their practice, to explore digital platforms and to work more sustainably in these complex times. This is a video summary of a series of capacity-building...

Screen Share with Craig Neilson

Screen Share with Craig Neilson

In this Screen Share session in May 2021, Craig Neilson took us through how he edits videos. In this case for the Northland band Mermaid's Bait. Learn the basics of his editing process in this portal into his practice. (Ironically the video is a little jumpy at times...

Bending Reality for Art

Bending Reality for Art

Charm Hauraki is a Northland photographic composite artist. A composite image consists of two or more photographs, which are combined, adjustments made to the individual pieces and effects added to blend them together to create imaginative, illustrative and usually...